Fitting instructions for Superflare Trumpets

This is best done by fixing trumpet base in vice insert a steel tube / rod of 35mm diameter into (half way down) the trumpet and they will prise out. Heating the base in an oven will help.
Using a blade & course abrasive paper remove any glue from trumpet base,.
Degrease thoroughly .
The Superflare trumpets are numbered in order from the front of the base
2 4 6 8
1 3 5 7
It may help to position them on a bench first.
Always do a dry run in base before gluing .
The trumpets may need fine trimming with sanding paper
IMPORTANT Glue numbers 1,2,7 & 8 first. (they will not fit if you glue centre ones first)
Then once they have cured, glue the centre ones 3,4,5 & 6
Use plenty of adhesive, apply to outer face of trumpet & base, wipe / scrape off excess glue
The edge of the Carbon trumpets will need to be fettled in order for the Plenum top to fit, this can be done with course Wet & Dry and a wooden block & ridged tube of approx 18mm, for relieving trumpets where plenum bolt casting interferes.